Club Billing - Processing Fees

If you and your club are collecting payments through Commit, there are a few processing fees to be aware of.



Total processing fees are 3.7% + .20 per transaction.

To calculate your fee for an invoice, please reference this formula:

X = invoice total

Y = the fee

(X + 0.2) / (1-.037) - X = Y



Total processing fees are 1.7% per transaction. and capped at $10 per invoice

To calculate your fee for an invoice, please reference this formula:

Y = invoice total

Z = the fee

.017294 x Y = Z


Total processing fees are 1.9% + $0.30 AUD per transaction.

To calculate your fee for an invoice, please reference this formula:

Y = invoice total

Z = the fee

(Y + 0.3) / (1-.019) - Y = Z


Total processing fees are 1.9% + $0.40 CAD per transaction.

To calculate your fee for an invoice, please reference this formula:

Y = invoice total

Z = the fee

(Y + 0.4) / (1-.019) - Y = Z

You can choose to absorb these fees or have your families pay them.

1. To absorb the fees, sign in at

Navigate to the Settings Menu in the left hand menu bar.

Open the TEAM SETTINGS tab

Scroll down to the bottom and make sure "Pass on processing fees" is turned off.

Example of what will happen:

You bill an account with an invoice for $100

The account owner receives an invoice for $100 exactly.

The owner pays and Stripe processes the payment, deducting the fees.

Your club will receive the remaining $95.95 ($4.05 fee)

1. To pass the fees along to your swimmers/families, sign in at

Navigate to the Settings Menu in the left hand menu bar.

Open the TEAM SETTINGS tab

Scroll down to the bottom and make sure "Pass on processing fees" is turned on.

Example of what will happen:

You bill an account with an invoice for $100

The account owner receives an invoice for $100 + processing fees ($4.05)

The owner pays and Stripe processes the payment, deducting the fees.

Your club will receive the billed amount pf $100

Improved Single Invoice Options for Processing Fees

You can now create a single, direct invoice where you can manually choose whether to include processing fees or not and decide how long they have to pay the invoice.

If you DO include the fees, the member will pay for it as part of the invoice.

If you DO NOT include the fees, they will be deducted prior to you receiving the funds from the payment.

Note: When a member receives the external version of the invoice to pay by cash or check, they will still be presented with the option to pay by Credit Card, ACH, Google, etc.... so if you member opts to instead by with one of these options, this will result in higher processing fees to be charged. Please make note of this. When choosing external payment, the intended use is for them to pay you by cash or check or some other external method.

This applies to any chosen payment method. If the fees are attempted to be paid in another way, those processing fees will default to the highest level of fees (i.e. credit card) So be sure you know how they intend to pay when making this selection.

Only recurring payments (i.e. monthly payments) will update to the default payment method set.

However, if no method method is on file - the default fees for the invoice will be associated with the higher, Credit Card fees, regardless of what payment method is used. These fees can only be changed by canceling the invoice, adding a different payment method to the account, and rescheduling/generating a new invoice.

The ability to pay with ACH is available as of mid-January 2024. If a member was sent an invoice prior to this - they would have been presented with an ACH option for payment. But those fees would still calculate as credit card level fees - as the option to pay with ACH as part of Commit's platform was not negotiated and set with the final ACH fees that are now available. Meaning, if someone paid with ACH prior to mid-January, they would have been charged processing fees at credit card levels.

Updated: February 02, 2023

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