Roll Up Invoices - Part of Enrollment

When you have that Roll-Up Invoice option turned on - which is found under SETTINGS and MANAGEMENT SETTINGS

This will attempt to take any billing from meets and one-off payments and "roll" them up into an athlete's regularly scheduled monthly payment - if they have one.

So when you generate the drafts of invoices in a MEET or ONE OFF PAYMENT, you'll see two versions across different accounts:


these are the charges that will be added to the PENDING INVOICE ITEMS under a swimmer's billoing account, and will be "rolled up", or added, into the next upcoming invoice for the swimmer's monthly enrollment scheduled with their program registration.



this will be set to an account of a swimmer that has no current monthly payment happening. This can't be rolled up, because there's nothing to roll it up into.

Once you do this step - you actually want to leave the PART OF ENROLLMENTS alone in their "orange color" status. This is because the system is keeping this amount ready to apply to the next invoice. These items DO NOT have their own invoice, since they are part of another upcoming invoice.

The ones in DRAFT you'll want to charge directly - so it can actually create the invoice and charge it. These versions do have their own invoice.

So if you go into a meet (or one-off payment) and select everything to FINALIZE AND CHARGE - this will cause the system to immediately charge the PART OF ENROLLMENT options (by-passing anything to do with an invoice)

The issue, when this happens, is that there is no "invoice" to show on the customer account.

The charge does still exist, and there is a receipt - but you'll only see it from your financial report when you run it.

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