Registering Athlete - Current Member

If your athlete(s) are a current member of the club, you'll be able to register them from within your Commit portal.

If you don't have a payment method on file or your current payment method needs updated - please do this before starting your registration. Navigate to your PAYMENTS menu to update this information and set a new default payment method.

  • Step 2: Click "VIEW" and you will see information about the program and be able to see which groups require USAS registration (for club's this applies to)

  • Step 3: Click "REGISTER" and you will be prompted through the first steps of registering for your groups.

  • Step 4: You will cycle through any documents your club needs you to review (if they have included them)
    • You may see documents labeled INFORMATIONAL - these are documents for you to review, but do not require any further action within Commit.

    • You may see documents labeled WAIVER - these require you to read the document and select the a button to acknowledge the document before you can continue with your registration.

  • Step 5: You will now see a list of completed tasks and group descriptions.

  • Step 6: You can now select the group for your athlete(s):
    • Need to add an athlete? You'll have to register them as a brand new registrant. SEE HERE

  • Step 7: After selecting your group(s), you'll be prompted to update information or fill in new information.
    • Asterisked items are required to complete registration. If this is left blank, you will be unable to finish.
    • Other fields with no asterisk are optional.

  • Step 8: You will then select your payment options that are available for the groups.

  • Step 9: Review your selections and click REGISTER to complete the registration.
    • If payment is due, it will use your default payment method on file.
      • If you have no payment method on file, you will need to cancel the registration a do so under your PAYMENTS menu first.
      • If your REGISTER button is not working or is greyed out, please ensure you have filled in all required fields and acknowledged all waivers.
        • If this issue persists or you receive error messages, contact us at for help or contact your club's admin or coach.

Step 10 (FOR USAS CLUBS ONLY) : If your club requires you to be USAS register (per the information reviewed in Step 2) you will now need to register, update, or check your registration with USAS from your dashboard.

Now that your registration is complete, you'll see your TEAM PROGRAMS tab on your Dashboard update for the number of registered swimmers you have.

    • If you need to add another swimmer, either log out and register the new swimmer with the club's registration link: SEE HERE
    • Or you can contact your coach to add the swimmer to your profile so you can register them via the above process.

VIEW INFO will allow you to review the information from the full program:

REVIEW will allow you to review your swimmer's registration information and review documents:

If you still have issues or questions regarding registering for your club, please contact your club's administrator or one of your coaches.

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us