Parent / Guardian - Volunteer Sign Up

When your club has volunteer opportunities for upcoming events or meets, they may post them in Commit.

To see this items, go to the JOBS menu to see any upcoming opportunities.

Here you'll see the Title of the Event, how many jobs are still available, the dates of the event, and the ability to view more "Go to Event" and register.

When you view the event, you'll see all the available options:

You can see the job title, the sessions title/date/time, and how many credits you will receive for working this job.

Click register for any you wish to sign up for.

As registration is underway, you'll see some status changes. A GREEN CHECK MARK indicates a job you have signed up for, a RED EXCLAMATION POINT highlights jobs you have not.

You'll also see a FULL status for jobs that are full.

A REGISTER option for open jobs you can register for.

An UNREGISTER option to be removed from a job you signed up for.

Once registration is closed, you'll see any available jobs that show REGISTER are greyed out, but you can still UNREGISTER for a job if needed.

We recommend you first contact your club if you need to make changes after sign ups are done - either to register for still open spots or to be removed from one you signed up for.

Under any job, you'll be able to see a list of SIGN UPS to see which other members have signed up for what jobs during which sessions.

You can view this specifically by JOB or bt SESSION

Much like all your upcoming events - you'll be able to see a list for all past events you have registered for.

And on your dashboard, you'll see the JOBS section inform you of any upcoming jobs and how many jobs you have signed up for!

To get a list of the amount of credits you have earned so far, you'll need to contact your coach to provide this to you.

If you have requirements to meet credits during a specific time period, you and your coach much communicate to track this.

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